Industry Solutions

Our clients represent the best their industries have to offer.

STG is proud to serve some of the finest small businesses. Thanks to our experience working with clients in a variety of industries, we’ve developed special capabilities to create customized solutions for these fields:

  • Financial – eliminate unexpected IT expenses while keeping systems secure and reliable
  • Medical –  Introduce turn key EMR solutions that streamline day to day operations
  • Mortgage –  Connect remote offices to centralized data systems  
  • Commercial Real Estate – Provide resources necessary for smaller firms to compete
  • Oil & Gas  – Manage information effectiveness with ROI in mind
  • Manufacturing  & Distribution – Utilize custom technologies to reduce cost through logistics 
  • Professional Employment Organization (PEO) –  Consult with existing IT Staff to implement best of breed solutions 

We understand that each industry has its own technology needs. That’s why we tailor our services to help your company rise to the top of your field.

While this list of industries is by no means complete – we’re always excited to develop services for new verticals – it should provide a good overview of how we support our clients and their organizations.

No matter the industry, STG provides cutting-edge solutions your company can rely on. We look forward to learning how we can help your organization as well.